He Calls Me Beautiful One

~Song of Solomon 2:10

At the Haley Sue Foundation, we’re focused on enriching the lives of others through acts of service in our communities. We provide scholarship opportunities, Christmas for our youth and so much more! We hope you explore our site, get to know more about our Foundation, Haley Sue and how you can help!

Our 2024 Haley Sue Merry Little Christmas was another HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who volunteered and/or made a donation - your assistance brought joy to so many children and their families. Watch the video now!

Who Is Haley Sue?

Haley Sue was born in Louisville, Kentucky, on Nov 30th, 1995. She entered this world 9 weeks earlier than expected, weighing only 3pd 11 oz. With that early start, she fought and held onto everything with fire and resolve. From that day on, she had a determination and drive to be intentional in everything she did. 

From school to singing, theater to friendships, Haley was motivated and intentional and involved her family in her passion. She avoided surface conversations because she wanted to know you at your core and learn what others did not take the time to learn. She searched for what made you who you were, what drove you crazy, what you loved, and what you cherished. In doing so she became your best friend. 

Haley loved love and wanted everyone to love one another. She didn’t care about where you grew up, what your background was, what you believed, or who you voted for. She cared about you, the person you were, the person you wanted to be. She became your greatest cheerleader. She loved to coach you and encourage you. She honestly loved and cared about the people she met. 

On December 6th, 2020, she was doing what she always did, going to help a friend in need. Could not turn anyone away and this time there was a tragic accident that took her life. This was by far the hardest day in her family and friends’ lives. Though they were not surprised that she was attempting to help someone, they were devastated that her time here on earth was cut so short. All the love she was sharing, all the help she was giving, all the hard work she was doing, and all the lives she was touching had now come to an end in a devastating way. 

In the midst of our despair, Haley's light began to shine again. That is when The Haley Sue Foundation was formed. This time it just looked a little different. Her mother, Pam, alongside her cousin Rachel and Uncle Andrew, began all the paperwork to start the foundation. Haley’s dad, Stacy, and siblings Hayden and Hadley began the search for the perfect board members. They compiled a list of very close friends that dove right in and help launch The Haley Sue Foundation in March of 2021.  

The Foundation consists of a diverse, educated, driven, passionate board that is dedicated to continuing to do the things that Haley was doing, loving and helping those we come into contact with and those that are in need.  

This foundation will continue to help those around us, and those we know could use a helping hand. We will love and encourage those we come into contact with, and we will be the light Haley was while she was here on Earth. Until we all meet once more.

And though she

be but little,

she is


sunflower sketch, Haley's favorite flower.

Our Mission

Together, we inspire the visions and the

passions of individuals by empowering others

to keep shining the light of Haley Sue.

Living Haley Sue’s Legacy by fearlessly impacting the world.

Living Haley Sue’s Legacy by fearlessly impacting the world. ♥

Our Vision

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