Haley’s Prayer

Portrait of Haley Sue with arms outstretched.

On a Friday night in the fall of 2011 I was admitted into Williamson Medical Center with severe abdominal pain. They did ultrasounds, CT scans, and bloodwork but couldn't seem to find the source of the pain. I laid in the hospital bed for the next 2 days while my pain got worse by the hour. They were giving me pain medicine but to no avail.

At that time Pam Pearson was working for Vanderbilt and since the doctors at WMC couldn't come up with a diagnosis, Pam began calling some people she knew at Vanderbilt hospital to find a better group of doctors that could possibly offer a different perspective and figure this problem out. 

A few days later on Sunday I got a visit from the Pearson family at the hospital. When it was time for them to leave, Haley stayed behind to pray over me and ask God for a doctor at Vanderbilt that had an empty bed that would agree to have me transferred there. Keep in mind that Haley was a teenager at the time and I remember being so enthralled at her level of conviction to be able to pray over a grown man and ask the Lord for what I needed. 

While everyone else was waiting out in the hall she finished praying, gave me a big hug, and left the room. By the time they reached the elevator Pam received a call from a doctor at Vandy that was calling to let us know that he had a bed for me and I would be transferred there in the morning!

Vanderbilt was ultimately able to figure out that I had formed a second blood clot right next to my liver which was causing the pain, but had I not been transferred there when I was and it had taken one additional day for them to figure out that I had the clot there was a good chance that I would not have survived according to the doctors. 

I firmly believe that it was Haley's conversation with our Lord and Savior that put all of that in motion. For that I will never forget her and what she did for me. I know that she is missed by so many, myself included, but I always felt that we had a special bond because of what she did for me.

I'll forever miss you HSP!!!

Will Felt


Turns Out, I’m a Genius


Defining Ourselves